Elvira played by Glamhag. Directed by Parker Callahan. For Alex Grelle’s High School Horror show, 2023
Set Construction
Planetary Access TV Presents: The Cosmic Country Showcase. A Webseries, find more on youtube. Directed by Glamhag. Production Design by Glamhag
Hair and makeup & “Hot Waitress”
Production Designer, I also made a lil cameo
Assistant Director
Production Designer
PA and performer
“Andrew In Another Land” two music videos Directed and Production Designed by Glamhag- “Love is a Losing Game” and “Cream”. Click for more info
Special effects Makeup + cameo
Hair and makeup & camp counselor
Production Designer & performer
Amelia the Friendly Dominatrix in the episode “Private Eyes”
Assistant Production Designer
Assistance with shooting, styling, lighting and green screen
Production Design Assistant & Performer